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Themes for PeopleTools 8.60

We have released new branding themes for PeopleTools 8.60! The new themes use colors that better match the new Redwood UI color palette, and the underlying stylesheets use the new CSS variables in 8.60.

There are 10 colors to choose from in this release.

But, it’s also very easy to change the colors, or even make your own based on this project. Starting with PeopleTools 8.60, there are new CSS variables to simplify branding changes. There are only 2 color variables used in this project:

:root {
  --pt-banner-background-color: #1374BA; /* Primary */
  --pt-border-contrast-color: #2C526E; /* Accent */
  --pt-strip-height: 0px;

You can modify these colors to suit your needs and make the themes match your own branding requirements. The --pt-strip-height variable is to hide the Redwood color strip in the default theme.

The goal of our themes is to simply change the header color (for Fluid and Classic) so you know which environment you are working in. But you can take these new CSS variables and change so much more.

To install the themes, download the file from Github and use the Data Migration Workbench to import the project. You can read more about the project and how install it on GitHub.

10 thoughts on “Themes for PeopleTools 8.60”

  1. Hey Dan,
    Used your stylesheets and was able to change branding for our non-production environments. One thing I noticed is the redwood color strip is still visible in small form factor.

        1. Oh, yep, I see. You have to use a small device (aka iPhone); the browser inspector faking the useragent doesn’t trigger it. To fix it you can add this to the CSS files for your color:

          :root.psc_form-small {
              --pt-strip-height: 0px;

          I’ll update the GitHub project with this change too.

  2. Hi All,

    I imported the IO_STYLE_REDWOOD project in 8.60 and when I run Validate or Submit for Copy, I receive the following:

    Failed to operate on file \corpfdap02\appls\data\IO_STYLE_REDWOOD\IO_STYLE_REDWOOD.xml due to error of message: Permission denied (257,374)

    Permissions on that folder and file are OK. I do notice that the XML file looks encoded, not like regular XML or the XML file used for 8.59 themes here.

    Any thoughts appreciated.

      1. Hi Dan,

        I really appreciate the quick reply. Yeah, this is the one I tried. I reloaded it. Same issue. Check Integrity passes, but Validate and Submit for Copy fails.

        Should the XML look like this (small snippet)?


      2. Hi Dan.

        I resolved my issue. One of my services was running as a Local System account rather than an administrator account. They imported fine after I corrected that.

        Thanks for your work on this. Helps us a lot!


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